Monday, December 14, 2009


This Christmas Season has really started to put things into perspective. The last few years my priorities have been way out of whack. During previous Christmas seasons my number one goal was to get everyone (especially the hubby) everything they wished for. Wow, I am way up there in the "it's the thought that counts" competition. But what was bad was that I did get everything they wished for....which resulted in spending WAY TOO MUCH MONEY!

Well this year we are looking at the Holidays from a one income point of view. The best gift I ever could have asked for was the ability to be home with my baby. Therefore, I have no Christmas list this year. It was actually difficult to make a short list because I feel so complete. I DON'T NEED ANYTHING! That's really a first for me. I was always the kid up at 5 a.m. itching to rip open that paper. Now, don't get me wrong. I still get giddy inside when I see the pretty paper under the tree. But I would be completely content if it was all filled with baby food and diapers. Everything that I want to wish for this year is for my baby. My mind is in a totally new place and I like it!

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