Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mommy's Most Wanted

Have you ever had your eye on something that you absolutely HAD TO HAVE for your baby? Well, I found this Baby Einstein Tunnel while making a wish list for my baby girl this past Christmas. I quickly added it to my Amazon Wish List after reading many, many, many positive reviews. Seriously, it seemed like everyone LOVED this tunnel. So, I anxiously awaited Christmas with the hope that we would receive this gift.

While we received MANY wonderful gifts, the tunnel was no where to be seen. So this good mommy set out to get the tunnel for my baby girl anyway. Walmart.....sold out. Amazon...sold out. Toy Town....sold out. And so on and so on and so on. I finally got so upset that my poor husband contacted the company to try and get this tunnel and shut me up. DISCONTINUED!

You would have thought the word was coming to an end. I was soooo upset that my little girl would never have this toy! And it's so popular that you couldn't even find it on E-Bay! I never not been able to find something on E-Bay!! Finally, after days of searching I found it on Craigs List. I have never shopped on Craigs List before... but I was desperate at this point and gave it a shot. The tunnel arrived this week in perfect condition with all the pieces. I thoroughly cleaned it and set it up for my little one... and.... she LOVES it!! It's a fabulous toy with so much for them to look at, play with, feel! It's great! I am soooo happy that I found this. I think she will play with it for a long time.

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