Sunday, January 31, 2010


So I am addicted to shopping for my baby. I mean, I do love to look at all the adorable clothes and I probably buy her way too many shoes. But I spend the majority of my online shopping time looking at "things".

I LOVE amazon. Anything I need I can usually find there. And I can easily spend the $25 for free shipping. So I created a "wishlist" for my daughter. Partly for people to be able to shop for her and partly for me to keep a running list of all the things I want or need to buy her. This list is full of every kind of child proofing gizmo you can find. My baby girl is just starting to crawl and I already have outlets plugged, door knobs disabled and baby gates ordered.

So this past weekend I was browsing the "One Step Ahead" catalog and added to the list of "must haves" a pair of walking wings. Yup, you heard me right... she JUST started crawling. I know, I'm a little insane. And they also have a wonderful invention, the teethifier. My daughter is currently teething her top front teeth. She's no where near starting to teeth for her back teeth. But, non the less, I must have it now.

I have been able to find everything from the "One Step Ahead" catalog on Amazon, which is fantastic. They really do have some great stuff in the catalog! If you don't get it already, make sure you get on their mailing list.

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