Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cake Mess!

I am entering this great contest to try and win a Kitchen Aid mixer and other Fab prizes from Mayhem&Moxie. One of the entries is to write a post about a cake disaster. Oh wouldn't you know I JUST had one of those?

I love to bake and usually try and do things from scratch. But once you have a baby that just doesn't happen as often. So for St. Patrick's Day we were having people over and I decided to make something no-bake. So I picked Bailey's Chocolate Mousse Pie. It wasn't exactly the easiest recipe, but it also wasn't too hard. And the pie crust was ready made.

So, I do all the steps.... heating the milk... melting the choc chips... stirring in the gelatine.... you know the drill. Nothing thickens up... it's pure soup. It's also 9:00 at night and I need to get the baby to bed! So I decide to pour it into the crust and hope it firms up in the fridge over night.

As I am pouring the mix into the pan I drop my pot. The crust shatters... chocolate goes everywhere. I don't know whether to laugh or cry, so I do both. My husband jumps in the car and goes to get me another pie crust. I even have photographic evidence because my husband thought it was funny enough to post on my facebook wall.

I finally finish the pie... it's still soup... and put it in the fridge. It came out great! No joke! It really did firm up!!

Boy I hope I win this contest!!


  1. Tag! You're it!


  2. That deserves to win, that sounds so stressful, but funny.

  3. yay for disasters that turn out to be good and tasty!!! hope you win.


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