Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dr. Hess Products Review

I have been really lucky in the diaper rash department with my daughter. She's had the beginnings of  a rash but it luckily had never turned into anything major. Well, we can't keep our luck forever! My daughter's tushy took a turn for the worse about a week ago and Dr. Hess came to the rescue!

I had recently been in contact with them to try some of their products for a review. I wasn't really sure of what they would be sending but was pleased to see a nice variety of products.... including Baby Butts! I spread that stuff on and by morning the rash was gone. Fabulous!

They also sent me some Udder Ointment that has a variety of uses. I have been using it on my very dry hands and it really is great stuff. And they included some of their newest products, Udder Sticks, which is chap stick. They have several great flavors, but I love the vanilla mint. It goes on so smooth and almost tingles! You know that stuff is working.

You should take some time and read about the history of Dr. Hess's products. It's really very interesting. And I would like to add that this company sends cases of their products to our troops in Iraq. Another great reason to support this company!

1 comment:

  1. That looks and sounds great. My kids have super dry skin


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