Sunday, March 14, 2010

INKtastic Review

INKtastic gave me the opportunity to design a onesie (100% cotton) and an organic bib (100% certified organic cotton). I knew that this was going to be fun!!

The website is very easy to use. Everything is laid out in an organized way and with lots of choices. Once I selected the item that I wanted to design I was able to look through images, design my own text and even upload my own photos! It was simple, fast and easy to make changes.

I decided to go with two images that were already in their image gallery so that I could see their quality. I chose a pink onesie and a pink bib. I really need to start exploring some new color choices! Anyway, once I submitted my designs it was literally a matter of days before they arrived in my mailbox! Talk about fast!!

Here they are:
Don't you love how I use my daughter to advertise my television interests? "I'm a Gleek" was chosen because of my obsession with the show Glee.

I was really pleased with the outcome. Both materials are very soft and good quality. The color of the material is nice and bright, yet the images are still very clear and vibrant.  I threw them both in the wash to see how they held up and they came out looking great.  As you can see, the bib is adjustable so it will fit for quite a long time. I also like that it has snaps as opposed to Velcro because I often find the Velcro gets worn out after awhile.

Their items are very affordable. They would have cost around the general area of $11 each. Not bad for a personalized item! And they have a wide variety of items for babies, kids and adults. You should definitely check INKtastic out!


  1. cute stuff! i could totally put my girl in those! i'll have to go visit them.

  2. Super cute. Wish I had a little one to sport that onesie. Adorable.

  3. Hi, visiting you from TMC. Nice blog. Have an amazing evening. Jamie

  4. Very cute! I'm going to check out their website. Thanks for the review!

    We came across your blog through the FF and are now following you! :) Hope you had a fantastic weekend! <3

  5. I like this informative post. thanks for sharing with us.

  6. I love Glee. Can't wait until it's back on. This onsie ROCKS!

  7. Pinky-pinky blog with cuddly-cuddly baby pics and lovely posts.

    Im following you from FFF


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