Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Luck of the Irish!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!! It was such a beautiful day to celebrate! I loved taking my little leprechaun for a walk and eating a yummy Irish feast.

If you think you have the luck of the Irish try your luck with my two giveaways! My First Giveaway - INKtastic is offering one reader the chance to design their own onesie or t-shirt AND an organic bib!! And for my Second Giveaway - Sprout Baby will send one winner a full size bottle of their AMAZING foaming wash that feels so silky smooth!! 

INKtastic giveaway ends on Friday and Sprout Baby ends on Tuesday!! Good luck!!


  1. Oh my cuteness. Look at those choppers. Adorable.

  2. such an unbelievably cute and bright smile!

  3. She bites with those teeth! But her smile is amazing :)


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