Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Bumbo Baby

I'm going to review a product that most of your have probably heard of and probably even own. So why am I reviewing such a well know product? Because nobody ever told me about it.... so I'm doing it for the other mommies who are in the dark just like I was!

I promise I didn't grow up under a rock. I think I saw the Bumbo when I was registering and dismissed it as "just another seat for the baby that will take up space." I was getting a high chair and a swing and an exesaucer...I don't need anything else.

Then I went to a fellow mommy's house and she had one. I put my sweet little fragile 3 month old in it... and bam. I was sold. She was sitting up all by herself, looking at the world around her, and best of all interacting with me. She was no longer on my lap, but rather face-to-face with me. I had my hands free to clap and do some sign language. It was awesome.

I loved it so much that I sent my husband to Target on his way home from work. Yes, that's right... this bargain hunter did not do any research. I don't know if I got the best price.... but I didn't really care. I was so happy to have a Bumbo of my own. I will let you see for yourself how much my sweet girl likes her bumbo.


  1. i adore the bumbo!!! it rocks. definitely a must!

  2. Who knew a little plastic seat would be so fabulous?!?

  3. I tried it to George too, he seem uneasy sitting on it. He will eventually get used to it. I got a tag for you, hope you'll check it out here:

  4. I didn't know about them either until about a year or two ago. By that time my boys were WAY too big! lol but I can't wait to have another and get to try this!

  5. What a cute idea. I used my breastfeeding pillow to prop up my daughter when she was a baby. This looks like a much more comfortable option. Thanks for finding me, I'm following you now too :)

  6. thanks for stopping by my blog! love your blog!

  7. I am probably in the minority here, but I didn't like the Bumbo seat. It seemed like at first my daughter was too small for it, then when I tried it again she was too big and hated it! Like I said, I'm probably in the minority though:)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your daughter is adorable!

  8. I've been totally thinking about getting one of these. But my 3mo. old is HUGE - 17lbs. Would he even still fit?? B/c I would LOVE to see the front of his head occasionally...

  9. My daughter is 21 pounds... and I don't put her in it anymore. It would be a tight squeeze to get her in... but the bigger problem is that she is too active now. I'm afraid with all her wiggling she might flip it.

    I would ask around and see if anyone has one you could try... or look at a thrift shop. I personally think he would fit, but I don't know for how much longer. I would hate to see you spend the money and he only gets to use it for a month or so. Are you planning on more having more kids? That's how I justify buying things! haha!

  10. I love the bumbo and I'm not even a mom! Glad you reviewed it because I loved reading what you thought!


  11. They didn't have these when mine were little that I know of. But I see them everywhere now. Your baby is precious. Nice to meet you. Following along.

  12. We loved our bumbo seat too. It makes for the cutest pictures. Love the smile!

  13. My daughter loved the bumbo! What a cute picture, I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it.


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