Thursday, March 4, 2010


Ok, I've decided to take my blog in a little bit of a new direction. Don't worry... you will still get to hear me go on and on about the every day life of this momma! But I am going to do something that I feel will contribute to the world of new mommies everywhere.

You all know I LOVE to shop. I spend WAY too much time, money and effort researching and purchasing. With that said, I almost never buy anything on impulse. I really do look around for reviews and the best possible price I can get. Most moms do not have time for this.... so I am coming to your rescue!!

I am going to start reviewing some of the very best products I have found and ways to find them at the best price! I hope that these reviews will help make shopping a little easier and more fun for the mom on the run.

So keep your eyes open for the first review.... and let me know how I do.


  1. I love to shop! Now following from MBC.

  2. following you from MBC! have a great weekend!


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