Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring Fever?

This weekend we finally had some decent weather! I have been so anxious to get out and about, so I jumped on this opportunity to go for a walk! Of course I bundled the baby up as if we were in Antarctica!

So this brings me to a question. I am looking for a sling or carrier for my baby. Now she's not an infant anymore, so I'm looking more for one that will last into the 30 pound range (she's about 22 pounds now). Any suggestions???


  1. So sweet!! I tried out just about every carrier when my kids were small enough to cart around... I think the most comfortable is the Ergo Baby Carrier - it's got a bit of a learning curve when it comes to putting it on, but great for your back - and you can use it on your front, side, or back. Some of my friends swear by the Moby wrap, which is less expensive, and apparently very comfortable, but I could never figure it out!

    Peryl (From MBC)

  2. She's adorable. I've heard great things about the Ergo carrier and I also use the Kelty carrier. It's more of a hiking carrier but my son is almost 3 and I can still put him in it!

    I'm a little late but I'm your newest follower from Friday Follow. :)

  3. Hi Lara, thanks for joining my blog. I will join yours also!! I got out today also and took a walk! Actually I took two walks! One with my dog and one with my Mom! I need to get in shape! I look forward to getting to know you!

  4. Well I don't have any help on the sling because I'm not a mom yet, BUT I love this cute, sweet adorable picture!

    i just found your blog and love it! I'm a new follower:)


  5. Thanks for the advice and kind words about my little bundle!! I will be looking into the different suggested carriers!

  6. That is the cutest photograph. I love it.
    Spring is in the air!

  7. i'm following you now, too! : ) so glad you stopped by. i can't wait to hear all the advice. i so could use a good carrier for a larger child. my son is 27 lbs (hello! he's only 13 mos - can you say HUGE?!) and i'm 7 mos pregnant. needless to say, i don't think i'll ever need to lift weights another day in my life. adorable picture, adorable blog, and such a precious family you have!

  8. I'm not sure about the sling thing but I really did love backpacks!

  9. so cute, it is nice to get outside isn't it! Today in Michigan it is 56 degrees!

  10. cute baby!! I dont carry my baby around like that anymore, shes 4 and weighs 31 pounds!!! hope u find something!! maybe a backpack carrier? I invite you to stop by and say hi!!


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