Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Wumblers - Review

As a mother and an educator when I came across the Wumblers I got very excited. I am a big fan of programs for children that teach important lessons. The Wumblers focus on social, global, environmental and humanitarian learning. It's an easy and fun way to instill important values in your children.

I received a stuffed Wumbler and a copy of the DVD. The stuffed Wumbler is adorable! The idea is that the Wumbler hatches from a watermelon, so it's designed like a Popple (do you remember them?). You can have it so the Wumbler is in the watermelon or out of the watermelon. So much fun!

I gave the Wumbler to my daughter and we sat down to watch the DVD as a family. She's probably a little young for the educational value, but I will continue to show her the DVD on a regular basis. She was definitely interested because of the music and bright colors. But the messages were beautiful. One episode really focuses on accepting everyone's differences and how what they look like doesn't determine who they are. Who they are is on the inside. This is such an important value to instill in our children. And it is presented in such a fun way. You can't help but love the characters, especially the little bilingual snail!

I am very excited to see all that comes from the Giddy Gander Company and their Wumblers!


  1. That is such a great product. Passing it on to my mom friends. Thanks.

    Tag Tuesday. Tag you're it.


  2. This sounds like a great teaching tool. Thanks for the review! I am going to check into getting one.

  3. This is a truly wonderful product that I got a chance to review it as well. I am a new follower from FFF at the Mom Bloggers Club, so nice to have found your blog. Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  4. Nice product..

    Learning from A To Z offers cloth learning calendars for children including foreign language and faith based versions.


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