Sunday, April 11, 2010

Celebrating Momma's - Giveaway Event

As you all know, this blog is pretty much devoted to babies and young children. Since having my first child last May, that's really all that is ever on my mind. But we are quickly approaching a very special day - Mother's Day. Since this will be my very first Mother's Day I want to share my joy with you! I feel that being a mother is one of the most blessed, fulfilling, tiring and magical callings in life. I am so happy to join this wonderful group of women we call "moms."

For a whole week, I will be doing reviews and giveaways for moms! Some will be baby related, but some will also be just for the woman in you! You won't want to miss this event! I have so many wonderful companies that want to be a part of this that there will be more than one giveaway on most days. It's going to be a great celebration! So grab my button and display it on your blog in order to receive extra entries on these fabulous giveaways!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the follow! I just returned it. What a great blog, I can't wait to read more!


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