Friday, April 16, 2010

Exciting News!!

Today my daughter took EIGHTEEN steps! Eighteen!! This is from the 3 or 4 she was taking yesterday!! I had to share this with all my wonderful followers because I am such a proud Momma!!

It always seemed like such a small thing when parents would talk about their kids first steps. But now that I'm a parent, the joy is just so overwhelming. I want to share it with everyone and anyone who will listen!

She is growing up so fast, I feel like I can't even blink or I will miss something. I can't believe that in another 6 weeks she will be a year old. It's so bittersweet. Thanks for listening!


  1. Hi! Following from MBC. I can totally relate... my little girl just turned a year and she's practically running already! It's amazing how fast they learn!
    Stop by and visit

  2. How lovely,it brings it all back for me.You're right it does go so quickly even more so when it's your second.I remember the first clothes I packed away with melancholy, shocked and proud.There are so many stages to go through.Yes,I still long for the baby days but there are so many lovely moments to come still,they all have their charm.

  3. That's awesome to hear! Mine aren't little anymore (15 and 11) and sometimes I get so nostalgic and a bit sad to know that those days are behind me.

    I found you through FF and am happy to be your newest follower, though!

  4. Thanks everyone! It's very exciting! Sometimes I get sad when we reach certain milestones, but then I remember that there is so much more fun to come!!

  5. That is awesome. She will be running before you know it.

  6. Eighteen steps is great! you are going to have a walker on your hands soon!
    Now you just have 8 more followers to get to 300! I'm here from MBC, check me out at-


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