Saturday, April 24, 2010

Scandinavian Child lillebaby EveryWear Carrier Challenge

Earlier in April I entered a contest through Scandinavian Child to be chosen to try the EveryWear carrier. You had to submit an e-mail about why you feel you should be selected to try this carrier.

Well, as my faithful readers you may recall from previous blog posts and tweets for help.... I have been SEARCHING high and low for a carrier for my now 22 pound baby!

A little back story. When I was registering my husband felt we didn't need a carrier. That we wouldn't use a carrier. So we didn't register for one. BIG MISTAKE. Within the first month or so we had decided a carrier was a must. But lets be honest.... they are expensive. So my mom passed along hers.... from when I was a baby. SAFETY ALERT! I didn't know how I felt about putting my teeny tiny baby in something that was as old as I was... literally. But I had quit my job to be a stay at home mom... and the option seemed better than nothing. So we hesitantly and carefully tried out her carrier. I don't think I took my arms off of the baby the first few times I wore it. But... it worked. It did the job.
 So we were able to go out and about with our little bundle. Ok, fast forward through the dreads of winter where I didn't leave the house, thus did not use or need my carrier. Welcome Spring! I am not putting my 20 pound baby in this carrier. I have no instructions, so I don't know what the weight limit is. I asked my mom how long she carried us in it, "Oh... I don't know. Maybe a year or less. Maybe a little more." Ok, not good enough. Out with the old and in with the new!

My hunt for a carrier that would last for a while was on. Sadly, I wasn't having much luck. Most of the carriers people were recommending were for up to about 24 pounds. 24 pounds was right around the corner! I came across a couple that sounded like they might work, but the budget still wasn't there. And then.... Scandinavian Child came to the rescue!

I saw on Facebook that they were having this fabulous competition. The nervous mom in me immediately went to look at the facts about this product. How much could it carry (answer - up to 43 pounds!)? What position could it be worn in (answer - like every position! front, back, hip, sling)? Everything I read about the EveryWear carrier seemed to fit into what I was looking for. So I write my e-mail explaining why I should get one.

Then the day came... the wonderful, glorious day! I had been chosen! Whooohoo!! I didn't have to wait long before my carrier had arrived!

Today is the day we will take this baby out for a spin!! I am so excited to try it out and see how we do! Check back to see what I think of my new lillebaby EveryWear carrier!!!

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