Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Slanket Review

Ok, I'm going to be completely honest when I tell you I don't know how I survived without a Slanket. This blanket with sleeves is incredibly soft and warm. The quality of the material used is great!

I LOVE to be wrapped up in a blanket, but it's so hard to function. A huge added bonus for me is that I can hold and feed my baby while still staying nice and toasty warm. But it really gives you so much freedom... change the channels, drink a cup of tea, read a book and so much more.

I'm going to tell you a little secret. He will deny it up and down, left and right. But my husband said, "oh man, why did they send it in pink? Why not camo?" Um, well darling... because it's for me. And yes, he has wrapped up in the wonderful pink Slanket! I forsee some future tug of war if we don't get another Slanket in this house! Perhaps we should consider the Slanket Siamese?

They even have Slankets for kids and for traveling. And while you're checking out the great selection of Slankets, take a look at the story behind it. I chuckled out loud at the idea of a college student cutting holes in his sleeping bag to change the channel!

Everyone in the family needs one of these!


  1. Yeah - Looks just as comfy as the Snuggie :)

  2. Yes, it's like the snuggie! It's amazing and soooo comfy... I love it!!

  3. Stopping by from The Girl Creative’s New Friend Friday. Already a follower.

  4. Here's to Slankets!

    Following you this beautiful Friday, please return the favor!

    My latest postings are, “Smiles,” “Spring,” “A Feast,” “Love Lifts,” “Wake Up to Serve” and “Soul-itude.”


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