Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tag Along Tuesday

Tuesday Tag-Along
Special thanks to Twee Poppets for starting another fabulous blog hop!

Here's how it works:

  • Create a new Tuesday Tag-Along blog post. Include the Tuesday Tag-Along button by copying and pasting the code above.
  • Add your blog name and the URL of your TTA post to the MckLinky below.
  • Follow Twee Poppets, the hostess blog listed in the first slot. Leave a comment saying you've followed, and Twee Poppets will follow you back!
  • If you can, please follow the blogs in the three slots before you (e.g., if you're number 20, follow numbers 19, 18, and 17). This is not mandatory, but it will help ensure that everyone who signs up gets a few new followers!
  • Follow as many other blogs as you want. The more you follow, the more that will follow you back! Be sure to tell them that you're following from Tuesday Tag-Along! You may also want to leave a link to your blog so they can return your follow more easily.
  • When you get a new follower through Tuesday Tag-Along, be sure to follow them back! Its just common courtesy. :)


  1. I am following your blog now! Looks like you have lots of great giveaways for me to check out!

  2. A giveaway site I don't already follow...unhead of! LOL! So glad to find you. :) Christine from Cute Stuff http://justicecwscutestuff.blogspot.com


I love to hear from my Blogging friends! Thanks for stopping by!