Friday, April 23, 2010

A Treat for Momma? A CSN Review is Coming Soon!

CSN offers such a great selection of items for all areas of the home. I already have my eye on some great toddler beds and some of their adorable chairs for when I do my daughter's "Big Girl Room." They have such a wide selection that you can get everything you need for your child's room in one stop shopping from your couch. Can you beat that?

And while you're comfy cozy on your couch browsing through CSN's great selection why not check out some items for your home decor? Or perhaps you need something for your kitchen? With CSN's 200+ stores you are sure to find everything you need in one spot!

We have made several purchases from CSN in the past. We've purchased things from DVD cabinets to a butterfly lamp and polka dot clock for my daughter's room. I have always been impressed with the quality of the products they carry and the service they provide. So I am super excited for what I have in store for you!!

While I am waiting to redo my daughter's room and purchase a fabulous toddler bed, I am going to treat myself! I found a gorgeous new comforter on and have decided that it's high time I get something for myself... because that really just doesn't happen much anymore!

CSN has graciously offered a discount on my new comforter so that I can review it for all of you!! So keep your eyes peeled for this upcoming review. And in the meantime, shop around and pick something out for yourself! You deserve it!


  1. I'm getting ready to do a csn review too :) Have fun!


  2. I love CSN! Bought my dinnerware, so easy and I can shop in pj's Lol!


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