Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Zumba Anyone?

So I'm gonna be honest, I'm having a hard time sticking to Weight Watchers. When I did it a couple of years ago I had such amazing success and lost 35 pounds!! But I was going to the meetings and buying the food. I can't seem to get myself to commit like that. I don't have the budget to food shop the way I used to, and I don't have the time to drive to the closest meeting once a week (it's not around the corner by any means).

So I've been trying to do it on my own. Yikes. I love food. It's been rough. I think I have definitely improved with eating a little more healthy and not eating between meals. And if I do eat between meals it's something small and healthy. But the weight is just not falling off!

Time to take the next step... I joined a gym! Again, the time and money comes into play. It's hard to find time to go, but my husband has been super supportive and watches our little one a few times a week. It's literally around the corner.  And it's crazy reasonable in price! And they offer classes, which is what I need. I need to know that I have to be somewhere at a certain time and have a structured workout.

Last night I went for what I thought was a basic dance class. But they switched the schedule and it was Zumba. Has anyone ever taken Zumba? I've heard a lot about it and it seems to be really popular right now. But I had never seen or done it. But I thought, hey I'll give it a try.

WHOA! I thought I might collapse on the floor. It was fast paced and pretty much nonstop. INTENSE. But it was also a lot of fun! Today I can't really walk... haha! But I think I'll go back next week.

And don't forget to hop on over to Shannon's Custom Creations to get 50% off her fabulous wooden letters! Just use the code MOMMADRAMA.


  1. I havent tried Zumba myself but have a lot of friends who LOVE it. Anything that is more fun then work is bound to shed the pounds.

    Good luck!!

    Devan @ Accustomed Chaos

  2. I am absolutely 100% hooked on Zumba!! I started about a month ago and can't believe how much better my clothes are fitting, and how good I feel about myself. It is AWESOME. I hate working out, and this is the first time I've ever been excited about exercise. Good luck!!


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