Friday, June 25, 2010

It's over... why am I crying?

Today we had to take our daughter for her one year blood work. I did so much research and talked to so many mommies to try and figure out if it was really necessary for me to take her. The thought of holding her down through the tears to poke her with a needle literally made me sick. But after some discussion my husband and I decided to go ahead with it and play on the safe side.

I told my husband that I couldn't do it. I couldn't be the one to hold her down... so he had to come. He was totally fine with that and said it would probably be better for her to not see me since I would be a mess. So we all went and I got her all signed in and asked a couple of questions... and then I left.

I wonder if it was wrong for me to leave... but I just couldn't do it. My husband brought her in and they got my favorite technician (yes, I was there so much during my pregnancy that I had a favorite technician). They were in and out in a few minutes and when they came out she wasn't even crying.

I asked how it went and if she cried. Of course the answer was yes she cried. But he said she cried more from being held and restrained than from the needle. My little trooper! So here we are in the parking lot... it's all over... and I burst into tears. Why?

I think this whole experience was harder on me than it was on her. Being a mom is hard.


  1. awww! Being a Mom is hard! I remember crying when my daughter got her first, second, and third vaccinations. Oh it was horrible. Then they found out something was wrong with her bladder and had to cath her to get some urine, oh I cried and cried. Most traumatic experience of my life!

  2. Thanks Sarah.. I'm so glad I'm not alone! Sometimes I feel like I'm over reacting... but when you love someone that much it's so hard to see them sad or in pain!!

  3. Oh, believe me I was in the same situation with my daughter. It really makes you sad. At least she was a trooper and she made it through like a champ. My daughter was scared and cried and I had to whisper in her ear to distract her from the injection. It went pretty fast, but she still kept on crying. I think it is healthy ,when they cry, so you know that your little ones are still human. LOL. Did she get a Tootsie Roll for me being such a good girl? :)

  4. not over reacting at all! I cry every time Noah has to get a shot...heck, I cry at just about everything these days. Thankfully, they're still too young to remember past a few hours or days so it's much harder on us than it is on them!

  5. My middle son has to have bloodwork done every 3 months. And I cry every single time.

  6. Oh, I love my supportive Mommas!! Thanks Ladies!!

  7. Big hugs. It is so hard. When Tessa got the last of her kindergarten shots, my husband went with us. I was newly pregnant at the time and so very emotional. When they stuck her the first time, she barely cried, until she saw the blood. For some reason, it had made her bleed. I lost it myself and almost passed out. The nurses made me leave the room, and my husband had to handle the rest.

    I don't think it ever gets easier.

  8. It is just hard to see our kids going through that. I get all emotional too. I think we make it bigger than it will be, so our emotions get the best of us. Glad she did well though.

  9. I totally get it - I get teary just thinking about it!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. feel for you. And it's nice to know that I am not alone. I hate having to go to doctor's appointments where my kiddos have to get shots...My son split open his eyebrow at the park, and I cried more than him. My hubby had to come to the hospital and help with him. I couldn't go in either, so I totally get where you are coming from. Sometimes it is a lot harder on us than them. It's all that love we have for our little ones, right??

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