Sunday, June 6, 2010

Ughhh... Eye Boogies

I'm still in the "nervous new mom" stage... and I probably will be for a long time. So this weekend my little one's eyes starting oozing and got all glassy. They're not red or anything, but they don't look good. I've been so upset about this... she ALWAYS seems to get sick on the weekend! I sure hope the doctor will take us first thing in the morning and put my mommy worries at ease!!!


  1. I'm sure they'll get you in right away. Try not to worry too much tonight.

  2. I am sure they'll get you right in. Get a good night sleep, everything will be fine. Keep us posted girl. xoxo

  3. Try gently wiping it away with a warm cloth, also try massaging by the tear ducts, to see if that helps.

    I've been there, I know how you feel. xo

  4. I'm sure everything will be fine. It's hard not to worry about them though (even with 6 kids, I still worry about stuff).

    And I call them eye boogies too haha! Thought that was funny!

  5. My son had the same problem. It was a blocked tear duct. I hope you can figure out what your little one has and that it clears up quickly.

  6. You should be able to get right in...hopefully! I know I went through that with my kiddos...many times being sent home from school/daycare because they suspected pink eye....but most of the time it was just allergies. Hope it's something simple!!

  7. Thanks so much everyone!!! I am sitting here waiting for the office to open!! I'll let you know how it goes....

  8. always the worst when baby doesnt feel well. I hope your fears get washed away :) I know my LO used to get something that sounded similar - we would just use a warm compress on it. =)


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