Friday, July 30, 2010

CSN Review

You may remember about a week ago I posted about a review that would be coming soon from CSN. In that post I talked about how fabulous CSN is because with their 200 stores they carry pretty much everything and at great prices. So through this review I was finally able to get something for my daughter that I have been wanting to get her for months.....
Her first car! Yes, CSN carries the Cozy Coupe and at the fabulous price of $49.99 plus shipping. We received our Cozy Coupe in just a couple of days. My husband put it together and we have been having fun ever since. Thanks CSN!
She also loved the box :)


  1. Looks like she is ready to leave everyone behind! Ready to have her DL, maybe not for while :). She looks too cute in the car. Great gift idea. thanks for sharing

  2. OMgosh I didn't know they sold those. Too cute.


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