Sunday, July 11, 2010

I took the Cascade Complete Pac Challenge!

Cascade recently earned a Best New Product Award from Better Homes and Gardens. So when I was contacted about taking part in putting their product to the test I knew I wanted to take the challenge.

Here's how it worked. I recieved a package that included a recipe, cooking dish and bag of Cascade Complete Pacs.  The recipe was for Potatoes au Gratin et Moutarde by Alex McCord. It was quick and easy to make... but boy did it make a mess....
Doesn't that look yummy? It was! But this is what the dish looked like after we ate all the potatoes...
I don't think the picture even really does it justice. This crust was really stuck on their... ick! Normally I would wash a dish like this by hand. Especially since we have an old dishwasher that does great one day and not so great the next. So I hesitantly put the dish in the dishwasher with a Cascade pac... these pacs combine the powder and gel into one pac... so they are pretty powerful. And this is what I got...
Yeah, I won't be washing my dishes by hand anymore.


  1. That cleaned up beautifully! I wonder what it could do with meatloaf. I've never seen anything like what it does to a pan.

  2. I tried these because I had a coupon once and I've been buying them since coupon or not. They are awesome. I have an apartment dishwasher and if you have ever lived in one you know how crappy they are!

  3. Blueviolet - I think I will try it! Meatloaf does make a mess! I would normally wash that pan by hand too... but now I think I'll try the dish washer!

    Babes Mami - Oh I have been there! My dishwasher now still isn't that great but it is a little better than the one I had in my apartment. These pacs are awesome!


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