Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Funday!

It has been so unbearably hot here the last week or so (in the hundreds... and then humidity, too... yuck). We have barely left the house. We lived all closed up with the AC on stretched out on the couch... watching summer pass us by.

Then last night something amazing happened. It cooled down! It cooled down so much that we shut off the air, opened the windows and even got out for a walk. It was amazing.

I woke up this morning and felt so good. The house smelled so fresh with all the windows open. And there was that crisp feeling from a cool morning pouring into the house. I stood on the porch with my coffee in hand and felt very awake. I haven't felt very awake since my daughter was born, or even before that with my huge pregnant self weighing me down.

It's going to be a gorgeous day. The hubby is off playing golf with his coworkers and I am taking the baby out to have ice cream for lunch. Yay for summer!

It feels like a great day to make some friends... so jump on the blog hops!

mingle mondays button


  1. I am a new follower from Making Friends Monday!

    Stop by sometime!


  2. Hi there new follower hope to see you at

  3. Thanks for stopping by! I am your newest follower!!

  4. Hello! Thanks for linking up at MFM! It is nice to meet you! I really like your blog! I look forward to reading more from you! Thanks for following me. I hope you will come back often. I have lots of great giveaways going on right now. Oh and I am now following you! Thanks again! ~HEather

  5. Hi,
    Thanks for linking up with us today. I'm already following you from the Thrifty Things.

  6. Following you back from Making Friends Monday! Thanks for stopping by!

    The Thrifty Thumb

  7. Tag, you're it!!!
    Thank you so much for playing ;) New list starts today ;)

  8. I really should do these more often! Too bad it's now Wednesday and I've already missed this but next week I'll try and remember! :)


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