Saturday, July 24, 2010

No Throw Review

If you are the parent of a baby or toddler then you must be all too familiar with the fact that children love to throw things. This is definitely true of my daughter, especially when she's in her high chair. Fortunately she doesn't throw her food too often, but she LOVES to throw her sippy cup. She even smiles when she hears the loud thud when it hits the floor.

The No Throw is a fantastic product! It straps around any bottle or sippy cup and can attach to any high chair, car seat, stroller, you name it. It allows your child to toss their cup without it hitting the floor. This is especially wonderful when you are at a restaurant and you don't know what is on the floor. It's a much more sanitary way of living and a much easier way of living.

My daughter hasn't figured out how to retrieve her own cup... yet. She is aware of it  hanging by the side of her high chair and she reaches for it. I'm sure retrieving it is just around the corner, which will eliminate one more thing that she needs me to do for her. I love the No Throw!


  1. I just saw your post on Facebook and had to come over and read your review. I was just asking someone at a restaurant last night where they got theirs because I MUST get one of these!

    p.s. New follower!

  2. I love these things! I use them all the time for my kiddos. It's so funny because they are at the age where they throw it over just to be mean...LOL


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