Sunday, July 11, 2010

Where have I been?

I apologize for not really being around this week. I had some reviews and giveaways scheduled for posting, but I was not visiting other blogs or being very active. I was actually taking a 3 day training class to become a SMARTboard certified trainer. What is that? Well, SMARTboards are interactive white boards that are becoming very popular in the school systems. They are relatively simple to use, but unfortunately many teachers aren't receiving the proper training to use them to their full potential. So I took this training course so that I could train other teachers to use all the awesome features!

The class was great. It was very informative and left me feeling like I was on information overload. I definitely got a lot out of it. But it was in the city, so it required me to commute 3 hours each day. Wow, that made me tired. So I didn't do much blogging when I got home. I mostly snuggled the baby and went to bed early! But I am back now and I am really looking forward to a regular week.

Am I certified? No. I have to wait about a week and then take an online test. Yikes... I hate tests! Hopefully I pass and then I will be certified. :)


  1. Good for you! Will you be making more money with that certification? That would be cool! Good luck with the test...I'm sure you'll do fine!

    Tree (aka Mother of Pearl)
    Mother of Pearl It Is

  2. Ha... no pay raise... that would be nice! Thanks for the well wishes. I'll be nervous until I get my score!

  3. You'll do great! Good Luck on your test!


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