Monday, August 30, 2010 Review is a site that moms dream about. I am so excited to be able to share this site with all of you because I have truly found it to be very helpful. This site offers a huge selection of fabulous toys. Ok, so far this sounds pretty typical, right? No, this site goes above and beyond to help parents out.

To start, as soon as you get onto the site you are greeted by amazing organization. Every toy is put into an age specific category. Ahhh... love it. I can't tell you how many times I have found a toy I loved just to learn that it wasn't age appropriate. It's a tough area because of all the chocking risks for young children, so this just makes browsing so much easier! I was really enjoying their large selection of toddler toys. I love how they have them divided into girls, boys and top sellers.And in terms of age, they get even more specific once you are in the year category, it will tell you the target age (example 1 1/2 or 1 3/4).

Another reason this site stands out is their emphasis on education. All of the toys are selected by child-experts and include a custom instruction card that informs you about why the toy was selected and what developmental benefits can be found when using the toy. Learning toys are my favorite kind of toys, so I love this feature!

They also provide you with a whole section devoted to baby gifts. When you are giving a baby gift you want to be sure that it is age appropriate and high quality. The features of this site put your mind at ease that you are purchasing a great product.

They also have a really cool program called the Grow and Learn Series. With this every 3 months you receive a new toy that is age appropriate and developmentally appropriate for your child. You know how quickly your child grows out of toys. This takes the guess work out and you can look forward to that new toy just as your child is ready for it! Very cool!

I highly recommend that you take a look at this well thought out site. I think it will really help answer some of your questions about appropriate toys.

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