Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fall Frenzy Sneak Peek: Pulse Yoga

I used to exercise all the time. I belonged to a gym and I went almost every day. I had great stamina and my body was in the best shape of my life. Then I got pregnant. You know those women who use pregnancy as an excuse for everything? I can't exercise, I'm pregnant. I can eat that ice cream, I'm pregnant. Yup, that was me. So I pretty much sat around eating for 9 months and gained over 50 pounds... yikes. Then I had my daughter and my c-section became my excuse. I couldn't exercise because I was still healing. Well, I'm not healing anymore... it's been 15 months. So I joined a gym but I never go. So when Pulse Yoga sent me their DVD series I was super excited!

Pulse Yoga offers a great set of DVD's that are a different kind of yoga. These routines incorporate the use free weights. This allows you to take part in the relaxing yoga routines while building strength. The creator also adds in micro movements that help target certain areas of your body like your abs, lower back and upper arms.

This is exactly the type of program I need in my life. I need to strengthen and firm while not going crazy. And I also need something that I can do at home and enjoy enough to actually continue.

There are three DVD's: Pulse Yoga 1 Basic, Pulse Yoga 2 Balance and Tone, Pulse Yoga 3 Stamina and Strength. Each DVD is 60 minutes long. They also offer Pulse Yoga Express which is a 30 minute workout. They also have a great book, Yoga for Athletes Fitness System. This book is great! It has great photos to help you get into the correct positions. It's spiral bound so it lies flat when you put it on the ground. It has all the information you need to have a great workout that works for your needs.

Pulse Yoga has been a great experience for me. I love that you can push yourself to where you need to be. I felt relaxed and refreshed after each workout, but I also felt like I had worked. The sore muscles the next day were a welcome feeling!

Pulse Yoga is going to be participating in 
Fall Frenzy on August 27th!
Be sure to come back for a chance to win!

1 comment:

  1. I did not know how to send you my e mail


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