Friday, August 13, 2010

Operation Kitchen Table

So as many of you know... I am redoing my kitchen! There are so many things that I am looking forward to changing. But one of the things at the top of my list is my kitchen table. I feel like we are that table at a wedding that just barely fits squished into the corner. I feel like that every day in my own home... not cool. The table is just too big in too tight a space. I have marks all over my walls from chairs being banged into them so people can escape.

So where would I turn to look at a large variety of kitchen tables? CSN stores of course! You know my love for CSN. The fact that they have over 200 stores offering pretty much everything you could imagine and they ship quickly straight to your home... can't beat it. I have a lot of furniture that I have ordered through CSN so looking at their selection was a given for me and my husband.

My goal is to find something that will fit a family of four (yes I'm wishing and hoping for baby number 2) while not taking up a ton of space. Here are a couple I am looking at:
Of course updates will come as we begin to tackle this kitchen project, but in the mean time check out CSN Stores and fall in love with their selections and prices just like I did!


  1. I'm wanting a new table too! Seating for 6 would work good! I'll check CSN!

  2. I love that first one, you'll want something you can easily wipe down! and make sure it has a leaf for extra space and seating!

    I got around to thanking you for the awesome award-

  3. Love that first option! I am looking for something similar for our breakfast nook area. Our dinning room as the same style of chairs, but in a, I guess, pine color? I'd like to find something that would match.. I love black wood furniture, but my husband hates it! Urg.

  4. I love the first table set. It is simple but still nice and to make it a little formal for just a few people, throw a nice table cloth over it and you have a wonderful table. love the color too.
    Thanks for sharing and I love CSN as well :)


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