Saturday, August 28, 2010

Uncommonly Cute has a New Design!

You all know about my love for Uncommonly Cute! Not only can you find the most unique and adorable onesies and shirts, but it's also a company that I love to support. They truly care about the opinions of their customers and making kids happy is their number one priority. They also support some great causes that help kids. Their love for children is clear through all they do!

While they have MANY adorable designs I am so excited to share their newest with you! Uncommonly Cute claims that I helped come up with this shirt. Well, I gave a suggestion on some wording, but the real work was done by the fabulous designers. But since they really liked my suggestion and used it as a little inspiration they sent me one of the shirts! How awesome!

I am addicted to Facebook. Aren't we all these days? So this shirt was absolutely perfect for my little girl! All of my friends and family stalk my page for updates and photos.... friends really do like her!

Aside from the fact that the shirt is super cute and great quality, I feel it's a must for kids these days. Facebook is a major part of the world they are growing up in. It's a great shirt for them to sport and hold onto for the memories! They also have one for Twitter.... awe-some! It's on my "wish list."
Sorry for the slide show of photos... I couldn't pick just one!
Check out Uncommonly Cutes designs and be sure to follow them on Facebook!


  1. Thank you for your kind remarks Lara and your daughter sure is a sweetie. Thanks for being such a great fan of Uncommonly Cute! :)

  2. Oh, I sure love the cute designs that you can choose from. These would be great x-mas gifts for anyone. Great review. Thanks for sharing!


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