Saturday, August 21, 2010


I'm so sorry I am a couple of days late with this one! We went to visit my in-laws for a couple of days and my poor baby came down with a horrible virus. It's been 3 days and she's finally starting to feel better. We got home today and she's sleeping much better in her own crib. :) has chosen our winners for the Crazy Dog and Nacho Mama Giveaway!!#81 Emmy's Closet

Congratulations to our winner! An e-mail notification has been sent. The winner will have 48 hours to respond or we will have to choose another winner.

Thank you to everyone who entered!


  1. Yay! So excited...thanks Momma Drama, Crazy Dog & Nacho Mama!

    Hope your babe feels better real soon!


  2. Thank you! I hope you love your t-shirt!

  3. Better late than never!

    I've left a little something for you at


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