Friday, September 10, 2010

Trudeau Review

My husband and I love to cook. I learned a lot about food and kitchen supplies from him because he grew up in a very Italian home where cooking was a big event. He often helped his mom prepare meals and learned as he went. He has some high expectations when it comes to food and therefore puts a lot of research and thought into what supplies we stock out kitchen with. So when I brought up the Trudeau website to take a look at what they offered I immediately shared it with him to get his thoughts.

He was very excited to see their large selection of high quality kitchen and table products. They offer a wide variety that can really accommodate any kitchen or cook. From the fancy bar and beverage accessories to the everyday items like salt and pepper shakers and grinders. They also carry a nice selection of reusable aluminum water bottles that go nicely along with their Eco-friendly Commitment.

Trudeau gave us the fabulous opportunity to review one for their products. We chose the electric 3-in-1 fondue set because we thought of this as something that could be used often. It is a great way to bring the family together around the table for a treat, or to use when you have your girlfriends over after the kiddies are in bed to indulge in some yummy chocolate.

So of course we needed to test this fondue set our before inviting all our friends over. My husband and I decided to make a cheese fondue and have a little romantic evening. I found a recipe online and of course bought the wrong cheese when I was at the food store. We were off to a great start. Well, we followed the directions and heated all the ingredients in a pot on the stove and then transferred them to the fondue set. The electric burner then monitored the temperature and would go off and it reached certain temps. This is an awesome feature and makes it easy to use as an appetizer at parties because you can put it on and not worry about it for awhile.

The recipe was not the greatest... haha! But the cheese was so easy to make and was the prefect consistency! I LOVE the fondue set! And fortunately for us, the set came with some recipes! I am very excited to try it again with a different recipe. I won't be inviting anyone over until I master a yummy recipe. I think the chocolate will be easier... you really can't mess up melting chocolate!

So this was a long review to get to the point that the fondue set is awesome. Easy to use and easy to clean. It was a really fun experience to sit around the fondue and talk and eat. I am excited to do it with friends and then with my daughter for a fun girls night when she is a little older!

You can take a look at the Trudeau website to see all their products and learn about this great company. Through their website you can find stores near you that carry their products. I also found many of their products on

You can also take a look at some of their great hosting tips! Their is a whole little section on having a successful cheese fondue. It gives tips on how to stir it and what to serve with it. Very cool and helpful!


  1. Great review and excellent product to review. Sounds like you had a great time regardless of the cheese.

    I'm sure you'll have a blast with chocolate, why not have some girlfriends over and serve fruit to dip with a nice wine? Ummm, I'll be right there.

    Thanks for the invitation to follow you. I'll be popping in from time to time to see what is new and exciting in your world of staying at home with your gorgeous little girl.

    To A Lifetime of Adventure,

  2. I wish I was there to eat some as well. My little one loves cheese and dips everything and anything in it. Great review.

  3. Mmmm.. Chocolate and wine sounds perfect! I think I will do just that!


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