Friday, September 17, 2010

A Very Rare Spotted Bug....

Happy Friday everyone! I love Fridays... I feel like my weekend has started. The only downside to Friday is that it's laundry day. But I feel like it's so much easier to get through the laundry on a Friday because I know the next day will be a fun day! Unlike Monday laundry day that is just rotten and often ends with the laundry not getting done... hehe!

Anyway, I feel like I haven't done any momma blogging in so long! i even missed Wordless Wednesday this week! Well, I have an explanation.... this week we discovered a very rare spotted bug......

Yes, this is my sweet little bug covered from head to toe in very mysterious spots. These spots started with a low fever.... never reaching above 100.9. I wasn't too concerned with this fever since it lasted less than 24 hours and when she wasn't sleeping (she slept a lot that day) she was happy. So I figured she was fighting something off and when she woke the next morning all was well and she was back to herself.

Then... the spots. A few at first... hmmm... allergic reaction? Then more... ummm chicken pox? Then a million ALL OVER..... ahhh my child is cleary suffering from some rare disease that needs immediate medical attention! Off to the pediatrician we went. Yes, I am stronlgy considering signing up for that standing weekly appointment with the pediatrician. Just kidding.. I don't go THAT often... every 2 weeks should do it :)

I love doctors reactions.. it's kind of like "oh this is not big deal" when I am sitting there with my heart in my throat and sure that the next words out of his mouth are going to be a serious diagnosis. Nope... this is a virus and it doesn't even have a name. At least not a name he can give me. It's a normal, every day, run of the mill virus that will work it's way out. HAH! I would think he would know by now that that answer is not going to cut it with a first time mom. I want a name and something I can DO. I hate not being able to DO anything.

I had to do nothing. Ugh! I just had to sit and stare at her to make sure the spots didn't continue to multiply. I had to check her temperature every 30 minutes because I was sure at any minute it would be sky rocketing. I had to chase her around the house with her sippy cup because I was sure she would be dehydrated at any moment. Mind you this whole time that I am acting like a lunatic she is acting completely normally, showing no signs of illness... well except for her spots!

And then we woke up this morning... and the spots were gone. Just like that! Who knew? Well, the doctor knew. My other mommy friends knew. Even my own mother knew! Who knew our mothers knew anything?!? And now I know... and I won't freak out the next time. Haha.. yeah right! I will never learn. But that's ok... I would rather be safe than sorry and my pediatrician is quickly learning that. See you next week, doc!


  1. It's called Rosela (sp) or something like that, my daughter had it around the same age =)

  2. That's what I think it was too! I looked online and when I put in her symptoms that's what came up. The doc said he wouldn't call it that because she wasn't itchy, but that it could be. I'm with you though!

  3. That's my kind of bug...spotted or not!

  4. So true, Sara... she's cute even when spotted and the only squishing I want to do is snuggles!

  5. I would have freaked out, too. Glad it's gone!

  6. Sounds like Roseola, my daughter had a fever for days and I kept taking her to the dr and they'd tell me she's ok just wait and the very last day she broke out in a rash just like that one. The next day it was gone! The good news is I think they can only get it once.
    glad to hear she's ok now!

  7. Glad the spots are gone...that was a lot of them. Wow...I would have been worried too.

  8. Wow, I would have had the same reaction as you. It is hard to look at your little ones when they are sick and can't do nothing and just wait it out. But I am happy that she is fine. She is so adorable!
    Thank for letting us know.

  9. Roseola would be my bet too. And from everything I've read, there is no itchy feeling with it (or very rare if it is). We had it (one twin) as have many others in the same age range in the neighborhood.
    I only had one twin get it and another friend with twins had only one get it. It may be highly contageous, but it seems not everyone is suseptible.


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