Wednesday, October 6, 2010

1+1=5 and Other Unlikely Additions- Book Review

1+1=5 and Other Unlikely Additions, by David LaRochelle and illustrated by Brenda Sexton, is a fantastically fun, amusing and educational book for kids. This book takes math and turns it into a challenging adventure to think outside the box. 1+1=5 doesn't seem right... but when you look closer at the clever illustrations for clues you will see that we are really adding 1 set of triplets and 1 set of twins to create a total of 5 babies!

This book is a great way to get kids and parents together to solve witty math problems. The illustrations are fabulous and help to keep kids engaged as they search the pictures for clues to help solve the problems.

How about 1+1=14.... well, when it's one ant plus one spider you get 14 legs! Clever, fun and educational! This fabulous book is published by Sterling.

1 comment:

  1. I really would like to get this one, because I quite curious to read more about it. Thanks for sharing


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