Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby GoGo Review

I am very excited to tell you about a product that I recently had the wonderful opportunity to review.... Baby GoGo!

Baby GoGo™ is reinventing the look of the baby doll for the 21st century. Outfitted in bright, gender-neutral colors and patterns, our 13-inch doll is the perfect playmate for a girl or a boy, and like most children today is bright and on the move. Dolls are a valuable tool for teaching nurturance. We, at Little Sib, strongly believe that children will more readily attach to a doll that reminds them of their own special world.

Every child should have the opportunity to learn to nurture. By removing the traditional ruffles and pastel pink and blue, Little Sib is working to remove gender-bias in toys. Baby GoGo™ meets toy safety requirements and is packaged in recycled materials, helping to make it a purchase to feel good about.

Together we can make our world kinder, cleaner and safer for our children.
My daughter quickly became attached to her Baby GoGo. I love to see her carry her around and I think it's wonderful how she pretends to fit it and give it drinks from her sippy cup. I think this doll is really helping her to become nurturing. She also imitates me all the time! she puts the diaper bag on her arm and struts around. She loves to fill it will all her favorite things. It's adorable to watch! I'm just waiting for her to start diapering her stuffed animals!

My husband and I are starting to think about baby number 2 and I think that this doll will be a wonderful companion. I love that she has fallen in love with it already so that when the time comes I can use it to help her understand the concept of a new baby coming into the family. The doll also comes with a sweet little story book about welcoming a new baby.

The doll ($39.99) and diaper bag ($24.99) are both high quality products. They are surviving a toddler quite nicely! The outfit is also very cute! I really like that the doll is gender neutral. I would definitely recommend this doll and all of the great accessories! I am excited for the Moses Bed to come out!

1 comment:

  1. Awh! Very cute! My daughter would love that! Leah looks like she's having so much fun! Very cute!


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