Friday, October 22, 2010

Chloraseptic Review

The weather here is quickly turning. I am finding myself snuggled up under a blanket throughout the day. Winter is around the corner! And one thing I always associate with winter is sore throats!

I was always a pretty healthy child. Didn't get the flu often or any real illnesses. But I was always getting sore throats. To this day, sore throats are just a part of my winter. It might have to do with working in a school... or it might just be me. But I always have Chloraspetic spray in my medicine cabinet. So when I was given the opportunity to review their children's spray and their lozenges I was definitely interested!
Chloraseptic® Sore Throat Lozenges provide fast, effective relief for your sore throat and mouth pain. Chloraseptic® also goes beyond sore throat relief with lozenges that cool nasal passages, targets cough and has a soothing liquid center. And, Chloraseptic® offers a diabetic-friendly, sugar free solution.

Chloraseptic® Sore Throat Sprays provide relief from sore throat and mouth pain on contact. Chloraseptic® Sprays allow you to target the pain right where it hurts.

Chloraseptic® Kids is formulated for kids 3 years and older with just the right amount of medicine in the flavor they love - grape! And it has no alcohol, aspirin or sugar. Available in two forms, spray or Relief Strips, which allow you to target the pain right where it hurts and get relief from sore throat and mouth pain on contact.

I love when you can feel the medicine working. That cooling sensation just immediately makes me feel better. I have been a fan of Chloraseptic for awhile and am even more of fan now with their wider selection of products. The lozenges are in my medicine cabinet and in my desk at work. I am ready for this winter!


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