Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Difference Between Men and Women at Halloween

My husband and I love fall! We have been apple picking (twice), pumpkin picking (twice), and to two fall festivals! So last night we were in the fall mood and decided we would paint and carve pumpkins for our daughter.

This is what I created:
And this is what my husband created:

I like costumes that are all cute and cuddly... my husband prefers scary. The scarier the better. Luckily my daughter isn't at the scaring age yet. I hope he calms down by then!


  1. lol I like them both. You did an awesome job painting that!

  2. Thanks! I love to paint pumpkins.. I have a hard time with the carving so I leave that to my husband :)

  3. ha ha! I love the difference between the two! :o) And I love them both! Great job with the painting! I wish I knew how to paint...


  4. oh, my you are so creative. Wow, that bear is awesome. You can tell you really took your time making this. I love your husband's as well. Very scary! Thanks for sharing these wonderful fun Halloween Pumpkins.

  5. You guys are sooo talented. My husband is different though, he wants to be a giant M&M for Halloween and I said no... so now he wants to be Thing 1 and my daughter Thing 2... NO! LOL!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog! :)

  6. Thanks everyone! We had a blast making them. Kitten, that's so funny! I guess every guy is different... very cute!

  7. hysterical! we are so different!
    That's an awesome job painting! I've never painted a pumpkin before.

  8. Почему регистрация не работает ?


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