Sunday, October 17, 2010

Kidfresh Meals

I recently had the opportunity to review kidfresh meals. As soon as I started to read about them I knew they were something I had to try! My daughter loves to eat, but the one thing I have a terrible time getting her to eat is veggies! Kidfresh sneaks in 33% of a kid's daily veggie requirements into meals that kids love. They have mac n cheese, pasta and meatballs, cheese quesadillas and spaghetti loops bolognese.

I found all four varieties at my local King's shopping center. I was super excited to try them because I thought it just might be an answer to the veggies lacking in her diet.  We started with the cheese quesadillas and my daughter loved them! She ate the entire thing and I couldn't even tell there were veggies hidden, so I'm sure she couldn't either!

Each meal has been a hit and I am definitely going be getting more. They are quick and easy to make in the microwave and are made from all natural ingredients. Kidfresh also goes the extra mile and packages all their food in 100% recycled materials and is a sponsor of Save the Children. So they are providing moms and dads with quality food for our kids and helping the environment and the community! So cool! 

You can check out the kidfresh website for more details and to find a store near you that carries these yummy meals!


  1. these look awesome for those rushed nights when you don't have time to cook!

  2. Yes! A nice hot meal in minutes... gotta love it!


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