Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lego Universe Review

Lego Universe is a massively multiplayer online game. 

I recently had the opportunity to review Lego Universe and share with you my thoughts and experiences.

The set up for the game is very simple. You create a character (choose hair color, facial features, clothing) and then name it. I love that they provide the name choices so no one can use their real name or an inappropriate name. And there are a ton of name choices. My name in the game is Mocha Cuddly Pickle... hehe!

Once your character is created they kind of walk you through an introduction on how to move, smash things, jump, etc. I'm not a gamer and it was pretty easy for to catch on and get around. They give you missions and point you in the right direction, so things are pretty clear.

You can chat with friends and people you don't know. But what's great is that it doesn't allow you to say certain things. In fact, it might be a little too censored.  At one point I was trying to send someone a message with the word "submitted" and it wouldn't let me use that word. So it seems very safe.And it's pretty cool that you get to interact with other people. I was messaging people for help to complete a mission.

The graphics are great. I also love that there isn't any real violence. You have to "smash" the bad guys, but they are made of Legos so they just fall apart. There are tons of things to do other than battle. You complete missions and challenges, build things, train animals. I had a lot of fun playing.

The game is rated E for everyone 10+ and can be purchased at your local major retailer. When you purchase the game you receive one month of play, but you must subscribe after that for $9.99 a month. I personally think the subscription price is a little high. It comes out to be $120 a year, but it does provide new content.  They also have an option to commit to the whole year at a discounted price. Basically your child isn't going to "beat" the game like they would with games that aren't played online. So I guess it would depend on how much your child enjoys the game for you to decide if it would be worth it. That's where the one month included comes in handy!

This would make a great holiday gift for a child who loves Legos and video games! And it is available TODAY! You can find more information on the official website.


  1. my four year old is just discovering the world of video games. when he's older, he'll be all over stuff like this

  2. Isn't it amazing how young they catch on to video games? And they are so good! It's like it comes naturally to them.


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