Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Potty Animals - Book Review

Potty training is right around the corner in this house! I know from talking to friends and family about the potty training process that it's not always an easy road. There are also a lot of different areas that come along with potty training... remembering to wash hands and flush, not waiting too long, going before an activity or a car ride. These lessons won't be learned overnight and won't be learned without consistent guidance from parents and care givers.

Potty Animals, by Hope Vestergaard and illustrated by Valeria Petrone, is a fun book to share with your children to help them remember these important lessons. The entire book is written in a rhyme that makes it silly but useful. The pictures are cute and funny. Between the fun illustrations and the humorous rhymes your child will be sure to love this book!

This book is a must for moms and dads headed down the potty training trail! Whether your kids are beginners or just need some reminders, this book will make it fun! The book is published by Sterling.


  1. with a 4,2 and 1 year old, I don't think we'll be done potty training for years! looks like a good book

  2. I'm potty training! Great review I'll look for the book at my local book store :)

  3. Oh... and girls, pass on your fantastic potty training tips! I'm terrified of that adventure...haha!

  4. The only tip I have is I used a toilet training cover (the little seat you put on the real toilet) instead of a potty so she wouldn't need to learn something new when it was time to switch to the toilet, and added benefit is you don't have to clean the potty!

  5. We could use a book for my next one. She seems really interested but it's all a game at the moment. Looks like a really cute book!


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