Friday, October 29, 2010

Touch the Art Books - Review

I am so happy to share with you two fabulous books that are part of the Touch the Art series. Count Monet's Water Lilies and Find King Henry's Treasure are fantastic books that provide children with fun and education while exposing them to famous pieces of art!

Authors, Julie Appel and Amy Guglielmo, have created this interactive series that allows children to touch and explore beautiful pieces of art.

Count Monet's Water Lilies is set up with short rhymes on each page encouraging the child to look at each painting closely to count particular things. What a great learning tool and a fun activity for parents to do with their children!

Find King Henry's Treasure is set up as a story to take you on an adventure. Each page is "illustrated" with images of sixteenth century art and artifacts that support the story line. It's very unique and a well rounded learning experience.

You can learn more about these books and the others in the series at the authors website.
You can also check these books out at your local Barnes and Noble or purchase them online (Count Monet's Water Lilies and Find King Henry's Treasure).

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