Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Ok... this one might need a few words! This was a ride at the pumpkin patch. 
It was pulled by a tractor and everyone sat inside a cow. It was so much fun! 
Shown here is my husband, me holding my daughter, and my sister.


  1. seriously cute!
    We're going to the pumpkin patch next week. Not only will it be a first for the boys, it will be a first for me.

  2. That's so awesome Selmada! Have a great time!!

  3. How cute!! I lovethe the little cow trains! Cute!

  4. Oh, that looks like fun! I wish I was there with the little one, she would have love it a lot. Looks like you all had a blast! Love it. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. It was so much fun! Thanks everyone!


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