Monday, November 29, 2010

Back to Reality

Wow, things have been quiet here on Momma Drama! I have to admit I've been slacking. I had plans to get lots of blogging done over the weekend, and share lots of great reviews and giveaways with all my fabulous readers. But, I was just having so much fun with my family. I had my sister in town and she stayed with us Wednesday through Friday and then Friday my brother-in-law and his fiancĂ©e came. I love having lots of people in the house!

We also took advantage of all the festivities going on in our area. We went to see Santa and went to a holiday parade that my dad's fire department was marching in. And then we decorated the house! I loved walking downstairs this morning to see the tree up and the staircase covered in garland and bows. I am so ready for the holiday season!

I have so much to be thankful for this year, and one of those things is you. I am so thankful for all of my wonderful readers. I love that whenever I have a question, problem, or just a funny story to tell... I can share it here and have my bloggy buddies comment and share their own experiences. It's a wonderful support system and it means so much to me. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

And don't worry... this week I will get back on track with lots of great stuff!


  1. sounds like a fun time! that santa looks so funny! love it!

  2. i love the Santa picture. I still need to take my kids! Can't wait to see what new cool products you have to share!

  3. Yeah, Santa still isn't a hit with Leah. She was doing her best to get away from him and he wasn't sure how to react!! Hope you both had a great weekend!

  4. It is always great to have family visiting. It looks like you all had a fun time.

  5. I love the santa picture. Too cute! We're going to see him this weekend and hope it goes well but think we're gonna have the same reaction you got. Great pictures! We love you too!! :)


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