Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holiday Gift Guide - Bridgewater Candle Company Review

Holidays and candles just seem to go hand in hand, don't you think? They make house smell great and feel warm. I love the look, the smell, everything about them. I recently received a box of products from Bridgewater Candle Company for review and I am so glad I did!

In the box I found a small jar candle in the scent Cookie Jar, a large jar candle in the scent Frosted Berry, a Reed Diffuser in the scent Silent Night, and a Frosted Berry Scented Sachet. I eagerly spread them throughout the house. I took the scented sachet and put the contents in a bowl in the bathroom, put the Cookie Jar candle in the kitchen, the Frosted Berry candle in the living room, and the Reed Diffuser in the foyer.
As I mentioned in a previous post, candles make me nervous with a toddler in the house. I don't burn them too often because she surprises me everyday with what she can reach. But these candles come in these great jars, so I can put them up high and not worry about them.  Each candle gave off the most amazing scent. The Cookie Jar candle really makes it smell like you are baking fresh cookies. It was amazing.

The Reed Diffuser looks very cool. When we first put it together I couldn't smell anything, but within an hour this wonderful scent filled the room. What I love about the reed diffuser is that I don't have to blow it out at night like the candles. It continues to fill the house with this wonderful scent all day and night. I love that when I come down the stairs in the morning I am greeted by this nice scent. It makes the day start off right.

I am so pleased with the products from Bridgewater Candle Company. They are high quality, look great, smell wonderful products. And here is something to really sweeten the deal. Not only do you get great products, but you can also help feed a child.

Every Bridgewater jar candle represents the life of a child. 
For each jar candle purchase that you make, Bridgewater will make a donation to Rice Bowls.

Nearly 144 million children across the world are orphaned. Every 2 seconds, another orphan dies from malnutrition. Rice Bowls is an organization committed to feeding orphaned children around the world.

1 jar feeds 1 child for 1 day!
What a great cause to help support! You can check out their entire selection, order online, or locate a store near you that offers Bridgewater candles all on their website. You can also check them out on Facebook and on twitter.


  1. wow those are really pretty and the scents sound great!

  2. Yeah! I love how the jars look... very classy.

  3. I love candles and they make the house smell so good :) I will definitely take a look at these some more :)

  4. I've had one of their candles and they smell awesome!! I love reed diffusers too!


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