Thursday, November 18, 2010

Holiday Gift Guide: CSN Stores

Over the years I have noticed that many of my friends have registered for luggage when they were getting married. I'm not really sure why that never occurred to me. I have every kind of glass, dish, pot and towel that you can imagine... but we don't have a nice set of luggage. In fact, I have one old beat up suitcase that I am worried will rip to shreds in a busy airport and my husband has a duffel bag.

I think it's time that I get myself a nice suitcase! We haven't traveled much since my daughter was born, but now I can see family vacations in our near future. Perhaps a trip to Disney World! I think my grandparents would love a surprise visit. And did I mention my brother in law is getting married in Canada next year? Yes, we need luggage.

CSN stores offers over 200 stores to help you find everything you need. So of course they have suitcases! Every kind you could imagine or dream of. 
I really like the rolling suitcases and love that now you can get them in some other colors besides black. I think this purple one would look great traveling Europe with me.
My husband prefers the duffel style. The one shown above also rolls though... kinda cool.

But... considering we have a toddler I think we will need an entire set. You know, one small bag for us and three larger bags for her. I LOVE this set... but the hubby would never go for it....
I think he would make me carry all the bags.

This is the set we are seriously considering. We like that it's not black. The red color will help it stand out. And it seems to have enough pieces... hehe :)

Whatever your style... you will find it at CSN!


  1. We just love CSN Stores in family, because you don't have to leave your home to purchase wonderful gifts :)
    thanks for sharing

  2. I love CSN Stores!! Love the polka dot luggage but hubby refuses to carry anything like that, lol so the red is nice!! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love CSN Stores!! Love the polka dot luggage but hubby refuses to carry anything like that, lol so the red is nice!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Yes! I LOVE shopping from my couch! Especially around the holidays when it's cold and the stores are crazy.

  5. Jennifer, I think our husbands are very much alike!


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