Friday, November 5, 2010

Holiday Gift Guide: Delicious Holiday Flavored Coffee from Cuppa Jane

I am a HUGE fan of Cuppa Jane. I have worked with them in the past and have pretty much decided that I won't get my coffee from anyone else. My husband and I are HUGE coffee drinkers. We can't start the day without a nice hot cup of JANE... hehe.. dont' you love the name?

This holiday season I will be serving my guests pipping hot cups of flavored coffee from Cuppa Jane. I was sent three flavors for review: Pumpkin Harvest, Cinnamon Sugar Cookie and Candy Cane.

If you read my last review on Cuppa Jane then you are familiar with my obsession with the Cinnamon Sugar Cookie flavor. I am sad to say my guests will not have the opportunity to try this flavor as I will not share! Ok, that's not nice... since it's the holidays I will share. But this is my all time favorite flavor ever! It's amazing.

My husband and I have become so attached to Cuppa Jane coffee that we actually went out and bought a special coffee grinder to replace our old one. We love the flavors so much that we had to get the kind where the blade never touched the beans. This is supposed to provide better flavor.
Gorgeous Cuppa Jane Beans!
My husband woke me up the other day when we were going pumpkin picking with the Pumpkin Harvest flavor. What a fantastic way to start the day! The flavors are just perfect, not too strong but strong enough to be present in every sip.

We tried the Candy Cane once and decided to save the rest for our Holiday party. It has just the right amount of peppermint to really bring out the holiday mood. And it smells amazing! The house will be so warm and inviting with this coffee being brewed.

If you want some delicious flavored coffee for your holiday events I strongly recommend you check out Cuppa Jane. They also offer others brands and tea. And you can receive free shipping on orders over $50 in the continental US.


  1. I love Coffee - I would love to try the pumpkin flavor! :)

  2. Cuppa Jane is some of the best coffee I've brewed at home for a very long time!!!

  3. One the things that I sure love about coffee is the smell of it. It just breath taking and especially during the Holidays. Thanks for sharing :)

  4. I agree! The smell is so amazing. I love to wake up to coffee brewing. And Shiela, the Pumpkin Harvest is so good!!

  5. I'm one of the few who don't drink coffee, but I love the smell of it!

  6. Cuppa Jane smells awesome! A family favorite!

  7. I love cuppa jane. My fave is carmel nut fudge


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