Friday, November 19, 2010

Holiday Gift Guide - Invisible Glass Review

My husband is really hard to shop for. But when I received my box of Invisible Glass samples his face lit up like a child on Christmas morning! It really made me wish I didn't let him see it and had wrapped it up for Christmas!

Invisible Glass was developed with two simple objectives: superior cleaning power and “invisible” clarity.  When you compare Invisible Glass to ordinary “blue water” glass cleaners, you’ll immediately see how quickly it removes even the most difficult grime, making glass virtually “disappear”.

Having a toddler in the house basically means that there are finger prints on everything! We have a sliding class door in our playroom that is covered in hand prints and drool. I find I am cleaning it all the time and am sometimes surprised to see what is stuck to the glass..... smeared yogurt, soggy cheerios... you get the idea. So we are always excited to try new products that will be easy to use and leave our glass sparkling and streak free.
Invisible Glass worked great! We started with the sliding door and with just a quick wipe down all the gunk was gone. My husband then took the very cool Reach and Clean tool and went to work on the car windshields (which I may add have not been cleaned since the summer... yikes!). He came back smiling and said the Reach and Clean made it so easy to clean the whole windshield and get to every corner. He was happy with how streak free it was and how clean it got.

My mother-in-law happened to be here and asked if she could take some of the samples home to let my father-in-law try. She thought this would be a hit with him, too! We may see a lot of Invisible Glass under the Christmas Tree this year!

You can check out Invisible Glass's webpage for more details. You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter for updates and more information!


  1. Oh, My hubby and I would definitely like these. Thanks for sharing

  2. Awesome!! My windshield needs to be cleaned badly! I will look for this. Thanks for sharing!


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