Monday, November 22, 2010

Holiday gift Guide - Open Season on Blu-ray 3D

Open Season is a fun animated film that was released back in 2006. 
But as of November 16th, it is now available on Blu-ray 3D!
This fun movie follows an unlikely pair, Boog the grizzly bear and Elliot the one antlered deer. The two meet in  a rather unfortunate situation when Elliot is strapped to the hood of hunters truck. Boog frees Elliot and then a silly friendship follows. Funnily enough, Boog lives the good life in a garage. He's never been on his own in nature and was raised by a human. So when Elliot comes into his life and shows him the ways of the "free" life things get a little out of control!

This is a great movie to watch with the family. My daughter loved it and so did my husband and I! We don't have a 3D capable TV, so the Blu-ray disk played in the normal 2D way. 

This disk also offers some great special features. My daughter loved to boogie along to the music video "I Wanna Lose Control." There was also a short film entitled "Boog and Elliot's Midnight Run." This would make a great holiday gift! 


  1. Love to see this one with the little one. I personally love to watch kids movies. They are so much fun!

  2. I can't wait to see that movie!! Looks like it's gonna be really cute!


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