Thursday, November 11, 2010

Holiday Gift Guide - Recipes Every Man Should Know - Book Review

Oh ladies, have I got a great stocking stuffer for the man in your life! Quirk Books has given me the incredible opportunity to review a fantastic book, Recipes Every Man Should Know, by Susan Russo and Brett Cohen.

My husband does like to cook.... sometimes. So I knew that this book would be a hit with him!
This is the little black book that every man should have. It is FULL of great recipes. When I was flipping through I actually said to my husband, "it's like they wrote this book for you." The recipes sounded great and were things that I knew my husband would love! A few of my husbands favorites that he can't wait to try:
Lobster with Beer and Butter (ummm... yum!)
Pasta Carbonara
Real Beer Float
Breakfast Burritos
No Bake Cheesecake

Don't these sound amazing? I was put into a great position with this book. I told my husband that for the review he needed to make one of the recipes. Hehe... I'm so sneaky! So this one stood out to both of us... Better than iHop Pancakes!
He said the recipe was really easy to follow and we both agreed the pancakes were  delicious!! This is a great way to get your man in the kitchen and making some yummy recipes! And the book is manly looking. It's small and doesn't have many pictures. There are only pictures for the instructional parts (like there's a section on how to carve a turkey... my husband needs to study up on that). The guys will love it... my hubby sure does!


  1. My husband loves to cook as well, so he would love this recipe book. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. My husband was a better cook than me when we met, but not anymore!!!

  3. Haha, that's awesome! At least we all have hubby's who are willing to cook!

  4. My husband is a really good cook! He grew up with everything homemade and i didn't. I cook a lot but he's great about helping out on weekends! Love the idea of a cookbook for men!


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