Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 6 Weigh in

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day!! I love Valentine's Day....I'm a romantic at heart! But I also love Valentine's Day because it's my birthday! Yes, today I am one year closer to 30 and I have lots of work to do on my 30 before 30 list. But I will write more about that another time :)

So, this week wasn't too bad. I was making some decent choices with my eating. I was not snacking much between meals and I was drinking more water. But then the weekend hit. My sister was in town to celebrate my birthday, so on Saturday it started. My mom, my sister and I went out to lunch and did some shopping. I was good because I knew dinner would be rough. I was right. We had an amazing Italian dinner and then followed that up with ice cream cake.

I also had leftover ice cream cake the following day. And here we are... Valentine's Day. I am sure my day will be filled with chocolate and other yummy treats. Sometimes it's just really hard to have the will power not to eat junk. So today I will do my best to use moderation. But it is Valentine's Day and my birthday... so some treats are in order!

Time for this week's results!

Starting Weight: 177.2
Week 1: 174.8
Week 2: 175
Week 3: 173.4
Week 4: 175
Week 5: 174.4
Week 6: 174
Weekly Gain/Loss:-.4
Total Gain/Loss: -3.2
First Goal: 165 by March 31st

I wish the number was bigger... but it's going in the right direction. Can't complain about that. I hope you all enjoy your day! And be sure to let me know how you did this week!


  1. Congratulations on your loss this week! Any loss is a good loss in my mind. Keep up the great work!

  2. Any - on the scale is great!! :D I hope you have a great birthday today and do something fun to celebrate along with Valentines Day!

  3. Thanks guys! Your support makes the small loss a lot sweeter!

  4. you're so right, you're going in the right direction. That's what matters!

  5. Happy Birthday and Valentines Day! It's too hard to be good during celebrations! we all need to eat our birthday cakes and valentines treats!

  6. Happy Birthday! This is my first week here and wow... you're losing! Meaning, losing weight!
    CJR @ G&L


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