Thursday, December 8, 2011

Scrolls from Santa Review

The magic of Christmas truly comes alive in the eyes of a child. I have always been a bog fan of the holiday season, but it has taken on a whole new meaning now that I have a child of my own. To see the excitement and joy in her eyes just makes me melt.

This year things have gotten really exciting with her acknowledgement of Santa. She is a huge fan of the big guy and wants to talk about him and her list every day. It also helps that I can use the "Santa is watching" trick to keep her on the "nice list." So when I saw this awesome idea on Tomoson I crossed my fingers and toes that I would be selected to get a Scroll from Santa.

Scrolls from Santa gives you the opportunity to customize a letter from Santa to your child. It comes in a very cool red and white striped package with a ball at the top that becomes a Christmas ornament. Inside your child will find a scroll with a special message just to your child with specifics about them and how they have been good this year. We decided to tell Santa that our daughter was good by helping put the laundry in the hamper, helping Mommy and Daddy cook, and sharing with her friends (all things she loves to do!).

You also get one package of Rudolph character bands and your choice of either 2 pairs of "Christmas Vision Glasses" or one tube of Insta Snow. We chose the "Christmas Vision Glasses" and they really work! When you look at Christmas lights something cool appears! We looked at our tree and it was covered in elves!

My daughter's face absolutely lit up when I showed her the special package with stamps from the North Pole. She couldn't believe that Santa sent her a personal letter letting her know she was on the nice list. It was a magical experience for all of us!

Our Scroll from Santa arrived very quickly, so you certainly have enough time to get an order in before the big day! Bring the magic a little soon with this special surprise... it's worth it to see the look in their eyes!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. wow, how nice is that. My daughter would love this- We wish we had it today since we just took her to take a picture with Santa. It sure will put a smile on an child's face. Thanks for sharing.


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